best way for your company to succeed and build recognition is through
the creation of a brand. A brand consists of the elements that make your
company stand out from your competitors by providing elements that
distinguish you from all the others. Your brand may consist of a logo, a
color scheme, a tag line or slogan, and other similar features. The
most used media today is the Internet, so it makes sense that a custom
website built to showcase your company should play a major part in your
branding efforts. There are a few things you can do to accomplish your
goals by incorporating branding into your business website.
Determining Brand Name for a Company:
The most obvious first step to building a brand name is determining how you want your company to be perceived, and then look at what you need to do to translate that message. If you want your business website to be associated with a particular feeling, genre, or season, you can choose colors that will express the right sentiment. Whatever you choose, the colors should mirror your logo, brochures, and any other materials that are exclusively from your company. The key is to choose a three to four colors that complement each other. The colors should be incorporated within your custom website design.Best Format of a Brand Name:
Once you decide on your color scheme, it is time to determine what the best format for your brand is. This will require you to be objective and realistic about your business. In fact, it may help to get someone you trust to provide you with feedback. It is important that you look at what you need your business web site to do for you, and what will translate your message to visitors. Just because video is available does not mean that it should be on your website. A poor video that isn't relevant to your company can hurt your brand name; however, a quality video that offers value to potential customers and conveys your message is a must have. Basically, look at all of the features you can have on your site and only choose the items that will add to your brand name.Creation of Brand Name with Consistency and Exposure:
A great brand is created through consistency and exposure. Although exposure may be a more complicated item to achieve, consistency is easy. The key to consistency is to keep everything within your brands set palate. If you are creating a custom website design, the colors and logo should match any marketing materials you use or business cards you hand out. Your email should also match your company's brand. For most companies it is a good idea to use Facebook and similar platforms to increase exposure. Any social media account that you create for your company should mirror the business web design and overall brand. This will help visitors to your social media page and website connect these different elements as the same entity.
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