A great blog can always increase your
sales and profit. But drafting a blog to yield such results need some
certain specifications and craftsmanship. Below mentioned are some very
well defined tips to help you draft a great blog.
1. Lure Audience
Every business needs traffic, whether
this is foot traffic in a high street store or ‘eyeballs’ to an online
store. A good blog not only generates traffic, but also helps retain
that traffic, keeping people coming back and growing in loyalty.
2. The 3 I’s – Inform, Interact & Imbibe From Your Audience
Informed and educated visitors become
confident, loyal customers. More people are turning to the internet to
research before they buy. You can position your company as a go-to
resource, thereby winning more business. Plus, with blogging,
information flows both ways. You can gain insights into your customers’
minds, their needs, challenges and preferences. Comments, feedback
forms, surveys and polls become instant, spontaneous market research
tools. It’s like working with a free focus group that tells you which
products you should create and why.
3. Preserve Your Audience
Often too many marketers focus on
gaining initial visibility through advertising or attention-seeking
stunts. If that tactic does not convert into instant sales, the budget
and effort are wasted. With a blog you can hold prospects’ interest for
longer, winning customers round over time, and bringing them back to
hear from you long after their first contact. No need for spammy,
desperate-sounding sales messages.
4. Empower Your Audience
Even better than a growing, loyal
audience is a growing, loyal audience that takes action. A blog can
motivate your visitors to do things. All you need is copy that warms
them up, a motivating story and a clear call to action.
5. Recruit Help, Contacts, Employees
Why spend thousands on recruitment
consultants and advertising when you have the best recruitment mechanism
at your fingertips? Your blog audience is the most likely to respond
and the most likely to be appropriate future employees and networking
6. Respond To Stories
Customer service and public relations
have never been more important; a bad story can spread around the web’s
social networks at speed. Your blog becomes a responsive outlet to
explain your side of any story and douse the fires of negative activity.
7. Promote Links For Direct Traffic
You can’t beat valuable, authoritative
content for attracting links from other websites, forums, discussion
lists and social networks. These links bring a quantity of attention, as
well as quality, targeted visitors that turn into good leads.
8. Promote Links For SEO
As well as the direct traffic benefit of
leads, links are important in bringing in search visitors. The more
linkable your website, the better your search results will be. Very
often traditional websites are difficult to link to and not easy for
search engines to index. This can be due to the website’s structure, the
software it’s built with, or its overly complex URLs. Blogs are almost
always superior in this respect.
9. Improve Your Search Engine Rankings
Blogging also puts you in touch with
prospects in other ways. As any company with a position on the Internet
realises, website visitors that come via Google, Yahoo, Bing and other
search engines can provide numerous leads. Blogs can add to the
frequency with which search vehicles identify you and your company,
particularly if your blog allows readers to post a response. If done
properly, blogs have a tremendous benefit relative to search engines.
10. Building Trust & Familiarity
Trust is vital in making sales and
important for encouraging visitors to opt into your lead-generation
process. By starting with compelling information and resources, and by
encouraging repeat communication, you build familiarity. Over time, this
creates a strong bond of trust, making sales so much easier.
11. Branding
This positive attention and these
value-based, long-term experiences don’t just create trust. They help to
create a stronger, better brand. This leads to word-of-mouth
advertising, which is one of the best forms of promotion you can get.
12. Grow A Community
Through discussion, interaction and comments, you can help forge a sense of community that can be strengthened both online and off.
13. Offer Better Service
Your blog provides multiple routes for
customers and prospects to get in touch. It can show your human,
approachable side, allow better customer interaction, and improve
customer service.
14. Initiate More Sales
All of these benefits add up to more new and repeat sales from much happier and better informed customers.
Update your blog on a regular basis
containing news, opinions, ideas and brainstorms. It might also have
links to other sources of information, other websites and other blogs.
Many blogs cut both ways, inviting
readers to post feedback on what they see. While that can apply to
everything from sports and entertainment, it can also generate interest —
and, ultimately, income — for your business.
15. Expose a New or Little-known Product or Idea
Blogging makes a world of sense on a
number of levels. Smith operates a business that provides streaming
video e-mail and related video communications products. Since many
prospective clients might know little about video e-mail, Smith says his
blog is a natural way to provide specifics.
“I began blogging to get established in
the technology,” Smith says. “It can have a positive impact for
business. Readers are always looking for more ways to find out
information about companies and for ways to interact.”
That, in turn, can lead to a more
informed customer and a more time-effective sales process. Rather than
taking time to pitch your product or service to a client who may not
need it, a blog supplants you as an information source. If a prospect
contacts you, that’s great. If not, you’ve wasted no time in explaining
something that generates nothing in return.
article source: http://www.webaholic.co.in
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